
With my long Wallpaper-esque prints I have been looking around for inspiration as to how to hang my work for the Degree Show. My tutor suggested I look at Nancy Spero and I found myself loving the organic and spontaneous energy of her work, it was definately helpful to look at when thinking about how to put my own work in an exhibition setting...
I am also constantly inspired by the work of Christain Boltanski, I love his installations they never fail to make me think....


officially only a week left to complete the Degree work...I have been cracking the whip and it has been fuuuunnn!! haha anyway got an overhead projector involved and have been printing printing printing again...
oh and on Sunday I went life drawing as per usual and we drew a man.....it was difficult, I should practise!!


So only a week and a half left to complete all my degree work, much much stress, chocolate consumption and day dreaming of beaches....
and Pedro Garcia boots...
instead of the fantasy beach and boots I am printing printing printing...and my black ink is leaking all over my handbag, leaving me with sticky coal fingers and a frown...here are some pictures of my work in progress...